2010.4.18(Sun)-4.23(Fri) at the second floor

Noriko Obara solo exhibition
-Capsule of August
open:13:00−19:00(last day until 17:00)

photo:Osamu Nakamura

Noriko Obara Profile

The Education
1991 Joshibi University Of Art And Design
2002 Tama Art University, Graduate Program

The Exhibition
2009 Niigata Water and Land Art Festival 2009 (Nigorikawa Branch
of JA-Niigata City,Ojigoya warehouse,Niitsu Art Forum)/Niigata
Niigata Water and Land Art Festival 2009 the pre-exhibition
(Niigata City Art Museum)/Niigata
Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale 2009(Tokamachi City Akakura Elementary)/Tokamachi Niigata

2008 Kawaguchi Art Gallery ATLIA /Saitama

2000 The Museum of Modern Art,Gunma /Gunma

Solo Exhibition & Group Exhibition
1995〜2003・2005・2008 G-Art Gallery /Ginza,
Gallery Iseyoshi /Ginza, Kwanhoon Gallery /Seoul Korea etc.

August is my favorite month. Its scenery is full of life and I can feel the living things with my eyes and ears. Also, we cannot forget the singing of cicada which represents the month.

Pupae of cicadas or butterflies symbolize, for example, reproduction or rebirth. In this exhibition, objet d’art of cicada’s shell will be displayed, wishing to reproduce in your mind a day in August.
